Looking at old travel photos I've come to think , maybe this is what dying feels like.
I've once existed there, I've walked around there, I've many times rested on that bench.
And now I don't anymore, unsure if I ever will again.
That place is no longer a place where I exist.
But I sure did exist there once, I've seen the seasons change, I've felt the warmth of the sun in the freezing winter wind, I've seen the sparkling waters, over and over, as much as I could.
I think I've always been biting more than I can, taking any crumb I can of any opportunity given. I know it wont last, so I better enjoy the most of it while I can. I don't take it for granted.
So everyday - or almost everyday - I walked down the road, I saw the landscape change slowly and insects come back from their sleep. I saw how little plants , first shrivelled up and dead, slowly bloomed into fantastic colours and tinted the ochre mountains with shy sprouts of green.
I saw snow falling through the safety of a window while drinking something warm. I learnt how to layer up to cover myself from the cold. I got sick from the cold, and while sick, I saw snow falling once again through a hotel window. Through this hotel window I could see someone else's life - in their own apartment, writing something between courtains. I think I saw a cat, and for a moment that absorbed me - This location, this existence, for me was just temporary. But for that person, that was their whole existence - their day to day. That was their world.
I no longer exist in that world. This must be what dying is. Its just not being there. The absence of self.
To think about it, this is not my first time dying. I've died many times. In my hometown. In the state my grandparents had a house in. In the houses I no longer rent. Those were all places I once dwelled and I no longer am a part of.
I close my eyes and I think about the sun, blinding against the water, being so slepndid that every other thing shied away from its glory: Trees and beaches became dark to give room to a dance of stars over the mirrored sky.